Do follow and No follow

Difference between Do follow links And No follow Links

Digital Marketing

Difference between Do follow links and No follow links

Do follow allow google to follow them . Do follow links gives us a Link Juice and a backlink . If a webmaster is link to your site with do follow link, search engine bots and people can follow you. They give you a link juice and also give a benefit to your website to get a high Page Rank. An SEO executive must consider both while creating backlinks – Do follow links And No follow Links.

Google takes notes of Do follow links and checks how many users are linking to your page in order to get how really good the page is. The more Do follow links  you have, the more points you will get.

It helps you to increase Page Rank, gain more SEO points and boost link juice what makes your site highly ranked in SERP. Do follow websites provides you link juice while No follow links do not provide any link juice.

Link Juice

Link juice is a credit of a website which passes Page Rank to the linked website.

Do follow link code

<a href =”URL” >Digital Marketing <a>

No follow links without SEO value

No follow links don’t allow search engine bots to follow your links. These links don’t pass on link juice. Only people can follow these links and also they don’t help you to boost Page Rank, website rankings and have no SEO value . It will not get you a Link Juice for Page Ranking. As we know No follow links will not give you a Link Juice but it can help to get traffic on your website.

The No follow tag can be good for SEO, most webmasters use this tag not to follow entrusted content. These links belong in paid links and blog comments. No follow links are compulsory for your inbound link profile. you have to balance your links and use both Do follow and No follow links . If you have No follow links on Blogs it doesn’t mean that it is not valuable.

For creating Blog , and to create backlinks you should have a basic knowledge of Digital Marketing

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