how to create a new search campaign

How to Create a New Search Campaign

Digital Marketing

       Instructions to create a New Search                             campaign in Google Ads

  1. Sign in to your Google Ads Account.
  2. From the page menu , click campaigns.
  3. Click the plus button +, after then click on New Campaign
  4. Select one or more goals for your campaign.

a. Select the results you want to get from this campaign, and Enter the all details.

5.  Click on Search as your campaign type.

6. Click any results you want to get from the campaign.

7. Click on Continue.

8. Name your campaign and enter the locations you want to target, and select budget.

9. Under “Bidding” choose a bid strategy if you want Google to optimize your bids.

10. Enter your bid limit and Budget.

11. At the top under “General Settings” , expand Show more settings , and then click on the Dynamic         Search Ad.

12. Enter your domain and select your website language.

13. Click Save and Continue.

        How to Create a Dynamic ad group

  1. For the Ad group type,  click and select the Dynamic option
  2. Enter Name of  your dynamic ad group.
  3. Decide how you’d like to target your ads:
  • Landing pages from your standard ad groups category: All the webpages that you’re currently running search ads, across all of your accounts. This option makes it easy to increase morectraffic on the webpages whichyou’re already using as landing pages in ad groups and Campaigns.
  • Other categories: You have to decide which sets of pages should target, how to group similar pages. If your site is completely new then It will may take up to 24 hours for categories to show .
  • URL-Equals: You can target specific URL’s. You can target individual pages So that it can limit your reach if you want to get more traffic on your website.

4. Click Save and Continue.

For more Information about Digital Marketing and to get SEO,PPC packages etc. You can contact King of Digital Marketing.

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