Best rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi

Benefits of Rhinoplasty Surgery

Cosmetic Surgery Fitness Lifestyle

What are Benefits of Rhinoplasty Surgery (Nose Job)

Rhinoplasty Or nose job is one of the most popular facial plastic surgery procedures available. The treatment can improve both cosmetic and functional issues. An individual may be suffering from breathing problems and problems in nasal shape, size, and symmetry can be cured by a nose job.

If an individual is thinking about a nose job. Must take an appointment with the best Rhinoplasty surgeon in Delhi will consider your overall health and should discuss with one the risks, benefits, procedures. It is an outpatient procedure means there is no overnight stay near getting general anesthesia with general anesthesia you sleep throughout the cosmetic surgery and you know will be relaxed and unable to feel the pain.

Her are the List of Benefits of Rhinoplasty Surgery 

  • Increase the size of the nostrils
  • Give the nostrils a new shape
  • Reduce the nasal tip
  • Enhance the balance and harmony between facial features
  • Have a positive effect on overall facial aesthetics
  • The correct problem associated with a deviated septum
  • Improve breathing mechanism
  • Birth defects
  • Problems related to snoring can also be treated
  • Sinus problems can be treated
  • A broken nose can be repaired

Improve breathing:

Those who are suffering from congenital or long-term breathing issues can be treated by rhinoplasty surgery.

Broken nose

Repairing a broken nose can be done using plastic surgery and release pain and improves appearance.

Sinus problem

Problems with headache, constant nasal congestion, and sinus pressure can be eliminated by rhinoplasty.


a nose job can help boost your self-esteem.

Birth defects 

Whether you have a lump or underdeveloped nose, rhinoplasty surgery can be a solution for all these defects.

Direct follow-up

If the nose surgery does not offer the desired result. A revision process can be completed to make any adjustment by PK Talwar Best surgeon in Delhi

Risk in rhinoplasty surgery

  • Anaesthesia risks
  • Infection
  • Poor wound healing or scarring
  • Change in skin sensation
  • Nasal septum perforation
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Unsatisfactory nasal appearance
  • Skin discolouration and swelling
  • Possibility of revisional surgery

The recovery period for rhinoplasty surgery

After surgery, there will be swelling,  and swelling may take months to resolve although most people stop noticing after a couple of months. people are usually back to performance after a week and resume all activities after two to four weeks.

Cost of Rhinoplasty Surgery

The cost of plastic surgery in India is around 1 lakh to 1.8 lakh Indian rupees. The cost depends on

  1. Types of surgery constructive or Cosmetic
  2. Nose augmentation
  3. Nose narrowing
  4. Nose straightening
  5. Depends on the Hospital government or private
  6. Number of components
  7. And other charges like the type of room stay in the hospital, etc.

Dr Pk Talwar and his surgical team is the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Delhi and Mumbai. According to his patients, he is one of The best cosmetic surgeons in Delhi. He has experience of 30 years in the field of rhinoplasty surgery.

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